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RE: Onboarding

Welcome to the Endless Monday Email Distro!

Hello! I’m hcnone and I post my artwork on the internet, mostly on social media sites. I sometimes draw comics about work situations and pictures of my characters making funny faces.

A few months ago I started a monthly zine called Endless Monday Monthly, which some people actually read and enjoyed, so now I’m exploring different ways of distributing the thing. I figured an email list would be pretty cool, and people would have to explicitly choose to subscribe so I can send out email newsletters without feeling like the worst person ever for intruding in your inbox.

And following the mostly free-form nature of the Endless Monday Monthly, I’ll also be posting text rambles about whatever, and various arts and illustrations I draw for fun, mostly related to Endless Monday, but also probably other fan works of things I enjoy. Possibly in the form of a weekly digest.

This platform also supports paid subscriptions which can allow me to add some extra bonus stuff within a post as appreciation for your support. It’ll probably be behind the scenes stuff or extra mini comics or other stuff I currently use my Patreon for, but that’s also flexible. Anyway, I’ll think about that stuff later, because my main goal at this moment is to just have a way to beam the Endless Monday Monthly to an email list each month. If that sounds good to you, please subscribe with the button below. Thanks! Love you!

So, please bear with me while I figure stuff out during this early phase. Despite my air of composure I actually have no idea what I’m doing. Well, we can figure it out together.

Subscribe to Endless Monday

Drawings, comics, and rambles from the world of the Endless Monday


Drawings and comics and rambles, from the world of the Endless Monday